Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Do your dreams ever come true?

Had a dream come true?

I mean a dream that you had while you were sleeping.

Did you ever dream about something dealing with a past relationship or something and then it came true in real life?

for example: you drempt that you were back together with your ex, and then you really did get back together with them in real life.

How long they took to come true? and any ever took as long as a year to come true?Do your dreams ever come true?
Yes, I had a dream that I was involved in a ceremony that 'felt' like a wedding at a church. I looked up at the alter and seen an angel praying. The angel had huge white wings, which means purity like the white dress. The church I ended up getting married in resembles the one in my dream.

About a year and a half after this dream I got married. At the time of the dream I was not engaged or didn't talk about marriage.

Most of my prophetic dreams are not very descriptive................. Meaning they are some what vague and I really have to look for the symbols and meanings. Most dreams that are very vivid and descriptive for me, do not come true, but have a very important message for me to look at in solving a waking issue. But everyone is different in how this works for them.

You will have to pay attention to all of your dreams and you will eventually figure out which ones are prophetic and which ones are just trying to solve problems. I doubt anyone can do this for you unless they are totally psychic.Do your dreams ever come true?
I can dream the future.


Sometimes I dream something simple,

like telling a friend a joke in mcdonalds.

Then when I wake up, I go to mcdonalds and tell my friend the exact same joke in the exact same place, and laughs the exact same way.

Freaky or what?

So in answer to your dreams come true time to time...
YES i had this dresam when i was like four that my dog died from old age. Then when i was ten it came true

mostly i deja vu

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