Friday, August 20, 2010

Would you get back with your ex in this situation?

Alright so one of my best friends and I went to our freshmen homecoming and it just led into one of the best relashionships I've ever had. We went out for 5 months and it ended really abruptly, and left me crushed. She never really wanted to talk to me and just a couple days ago I sent her a message telling her how I felt:

Theres one thing i want to ask of you and thats a second chance. Things ended out of nowhere and just left me wondering, like, what happened. I've tried to move on, and I think I would be able to if I could know that we didn't belong together but I know thats not true, right now at least. I've been laying in bed trying to get to sleep and this is all I can think about and if I try to forget memories come back stronger. I can just feel your arms around me sometimes like were back at the park the night of our first kiss and just things like that.

So this is the reply i got:

well....this is kind of difficult because that night that you and geoff came over screwed up my life. im not aloud to date until junior year and im still not alowed to hang out with friends i can only get on the comp one time a week unless for homework purposes. basically my life is living hell right now because i cant really talk to anyone and all this would make it like impossible to have a relationship for one and two i dont want to get into anymore trouble for a while... Sorry its just not easy with all that is going on right now...maybe when my parents possibly trust me maybe ill give you a second chance but idk how long from now that will be.

In case your wondering what the reference is, its was me and my friend snuck over to her house and her mom caught us and she got in trouble. So my question is if she genuinely wants to get back with me or if she is just trying to be nice?Would you get back with your ex in this situation?
We don't know her well enough to could be either. Why don't you send her another msg and ask her straight out. Say you won't be offended if she just doesn't want to date you, but you'd like to know for sure. I think she'll have to courage to be straight w/you over a txt msg.

Good luck!Would you get back with your ex in this situation?
How thick are you? Respect her wishes and leave her alone. You've already gotten her in trouble why would you even take the chance of doing it again? Stop being so immature and grow up.
Sounds like she has been in trouble before, and the parents put the hammer down. If she has feelings they will be there when she gets her head on straight.

Same with you.
If you love the girl, respect her enough to leave her alone right now like she's asked.
let her be....if it is meant to be it will work itself out. if she cares for you she will come back.
She's telling you very clearly that you messed up her life and she doesn't want to be involved with you. Her parents came down hard on her because of her involvement with you and now she has to pay the consequences. It sounds like she's keeping close to home and is not willing to get involved with anyone right now.
Stay in loose contact, communicate with her, tell her you would like to resume your relationship with her when she is ready and able to.

From her response, she wants to keep the door open for you in the future and be nice as well.

You are both young so give it lots of time. If you are meant to be together, time will not interfere.

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