I wanted to get back together with ex but he said he wanted to be single (we still talk everyday), its been 4 months now and i feel myself moving on from him BUT now he is saying i love you and he misses me (we are both in college, LDR) I think that he realizes that im no longer crying over him.
I feel like it is time to ultimately move on, how do i just let go knowing that I made the right decison?How did you ultimately move on from your EX?
If you were meant to be together, you would have gotten back together by now. My rule is, if you continually talk to an ex after a breakup and after a bit nothings changed, the relationship is done.
I know this doesnt make you feel better, but most LDR's in college do not make it. I am a senior in college about to graduate and go to graduate school, and I can count on one hand the number of ANY relationship (whether its long distance or not!) that started in highschool and made it alllll the way through college. People change too much at this age. Any age where people change alot couples break up like crazy. Many people have felt the way you do now
My highschool boyfriend and I tried the LDR in college. We made it 4 months and broke up. What I should have done is cut it off cold turkey, but no I didnt follow the ';No Contact'; rule and stayed friends with him for 1 and 1/2 years...being his security blanket and not making him miss me. Really, No Contact is the way to go after breaking up. For your own mental health and that will get them back if its meant to be. Staying around and not making them live with their choice to dump you will guarantee you wont get back together. This sounds harsh and Im not a man hater...but Men Like To Have Their Cake and Eat It Too. I learned this too but now I know this for the future! Hope I helpedHow did you ultimately move on from your EX?
If you feel like you need to move on, then it's the right decision. The best thing to do would be to cut off all contact. I know everyone ';wants to be friends';, but sometimes it's better to make a clean break, and if you really want him to move on (as well as yourself), you need to cut off contact and give yourselves time to detach. Trust me! it may be hard, but if you feel it is time to get on with your life, you will be very happy that you did.
Date other people, go out with friends, go on with your day to day life. Eventually you won't have feelings for him.
I dunno...when my ex and I broke up, he still texted me a week after that... everyday, and kept sending me sweet messages, when he knew very well that there can no longer be ';us';. He's the one who broke up with me because of ';some problems he's having'; so said he, altho I think it was more coz his family didnt want me but he was still in love with me. It hurt terribly, but I knew I had to move on and accept the fact that we cannot be together again anymore. I cried for about, less than an hour, in one day, just to get that pain out of my chest, then I began thinking more about the future. I forced myself to be happy. I would not listen to mushy love songs, but played happy up beat songs instead. I refused to talk about him to my friends. I stopped reading his letters or looking at his pictures. I opened my eyes to admire other guys. About a month later, I realized that I'll never be able to completely move on if he doesn't stop texting me nice stuff. It felt like I was trying to go, but he's trying to pull me back though we both knew that cannot happen. I knew if I just told him to stop, he won't coz he can be stubborn and would do what he want even if I said no. In the end, I just texted him a joke (the kind I knew he didnt like) and he got upset about that and he stopped texting me. After that, I was able to move on better and easier.
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